Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy 50th Opa and Oma!

The celebration took place a couple weeks ago, but the anniversary is actually in August.  We had a wonderful time together as family celebrating God's goodness to Rick's mom and dad.  His sisters did an absolutely amazing job organizing...we just came, provided a little entertainment, and enjoyed the day.  Pictures were taken outside with the family beforehand, so here are a few that I caught with my camera.

Just for the might not look like it in the pictures, but in reality, I am still TALLER than all my children...well, Levi will probably pass me in the next month.  They might look taller in the photos, but that's only because the ground was not flat! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are just all so photo-genic, Love all the pictures they should all be framed and hung in your home:)Love all of you very much♥



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