Saturday, December 25, 2010


Here she is!!!  The new addition to the Schenk home...
Everyone is super excited about her!

Isn't she beautiful?  Built in 1971...You gotta come over and hear her sing!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas ♥ God bless!!!

With love from all of us...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Messiah Musings

My excuse for not blogging lately:  I have been putting in way too many hours at the big Box store and I am looking forward to some down time during the holidays.  Hopefully I'll have some time to catch up with my pics and blogging and post a bit of what has been going on around here.
Today I have a couple boys home with me...they are under the I have a pot of chicken soup simmering and should get back to that shortly.
Before I head back to the kitchen, I just wanted to post a pic that Taylor took of Rick and myself before we left for the Messiah last night.  It was a very memorable performance.  (Ok, I was going crazy b/c of the hyper child sitting behind us, but I'd better not get started on that...)
I didn't care much for Andrew Davis' new orchestration...I prefer the original.  Why mess with something so beautiful?!?  
Some of the changes were tasteful, but others?  In my opinion, there were several things that were out of place and bordered on rediculous.  I found myself constantly thinking..."that's not supposed to be like that"...  I imagine not everyone felt that way, and most wouldn't notice, but these ears did.
Well, regardless of all the changes to the orchestration, the fundamental message and music still brought tears to my eyes and was uplifting to my soul.  Kudos to the orchestra...and in all fairness, it was a lovely, intensely full and deep sound.  I don't think they could have fit any more instruments on that stage.  (I did enjoy the use of the organ...What can I say, I'm biased.)  Other than one oopsy by the soprano, it was a delicious feast for my musical ears.  It is amazing how something like that can lift your soul to worship.  Amazing.
Every year, we are struck by the sad fact that so many of those performers have really no idea what they are singing. It's such a beautiful summary of the gospel message.

The choir was absolutely beautiful and the soloists were both outstanding and entertaining.  At times I just sat there, closed my eyes, and imagined what it will be like some day to sing with everyone in heaven before the throne of our King.  I imagine I'll have a flawless voice then...someday...

Oh ya, I'd better get back to my soup...till next time...


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