Monday, August 29, 2011

Niagara Get-away

Rick and I managed to find a couple days to get-away without the kids before he had to be back at school...the kids stayed with Grandpa and Grandma.  We took a different route to our destination and started our visit in Niagara-on-the-lake.  We enjoyed a lovely Timmies lunch by the lake and drove through town taking in the gorgeous gardens.  I didn't take one picture because I just wanted to take it all in.  (Those flower gardens really have to be seen up close and personal.)  They always have incredible floral displays...absolutely beautiful!
We spent a night at our favourite Sterling Inn in Niagara Falls and we had a great time walking everywhere and enjoying the wonderful weather.  Our anniversary dinner was at the Fallsview Keg (again)...amazing food and a lovely view. 
This year we made a stop at the Butterfly Conservatory and I had a great time snapping shots, until my camera batteries gave out.  What a lovely relaxing environment to be in...(if you're not freaked out by all the flying creatures.)  I didn't have any butterflies land on me, but Rick had the pleasure of being a taxi for a little while...(X-rated picture below explains the giggles he was hearing from the people all around him.)
I was quite pleased with some of the pictures, so I hope you enjoy them.  They are a wonderful display of God's creativity.  If you're a butterfly lover, I highly recommend a visit! Oh ya, and the Yogen Fruz was a nice way to end the trip.


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