Saturday, December 25, 2010


Here she is!!!  The new addition to the Schenk home...
Everyone is super excited about her!

Isn't she beautiful?  Built in 1971...You gotta come over and hear her sing!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas ♥ God bless!!!

With love from all of us...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Messiah Musings

My excuse for not blogging lately:  I have been putting in way too many hours at the big Box store and I am looking forward to some down time during the holidays.  Hopefully I'll have some time to catch up with my pics and blogging and post a bit of what has been going on around here.
Today I have a couple boys home with me...they are under the I have a pot of chicken soup simmering and should get back to that shortly.
Before I head back to the kitchen, I just wanted to post a pic that Taylor took of Rick and myself before we left for the Messiah last night.  It was a very memorable performance.  (Ok, I was going crazy b/c of the hyper child sitting behind us, but I'd better not get started on that...)
I didn't care much for Andrew Davis' new orchestration...I prefer the original.  Why mess with something so beautiful?!?  
Some of the changes were tasteful, but others?  In my opinion, there were several things that were out of place and bordered on rediculous.  I found myself constantly thinking..."that's not supposed to be like that"...  I imagine not everyone felt that way, and most wouldn't notice, but these ears did.
Well, regardless of all the changes to the orchestration, the fundamental message and music still brought tears to my eyes and was uplifting to my soul.  Kudos to the orchestra...and in all fairness, it was a lovely, intensely full and deep sound.  I don't think they could have fit any more instruments on that stage.  (I did enjoy the use of the organ...What can I say, I'm biased.)  Other than one oopsy by the soprano, it was a delicious feast for my musical ears.  It is amazing how something like that can lift your soul to worship.  Amazing.
Every year, we are struck by the sad fact that so many of those performers have really no idea what they are singing. It's such a beautiful summary of the gospel message.

The choir was absolutely beautiful and the soloists were both outstanding and entertaining.  At times I just sat there, closed my eyes, and imagined what it will be like some day to sing with everyone in heaven before the throne of our King.  I imagine I'll have a flawless voice then...someday...

Oh ya, I'd better get back to my soup...till next time...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

KCC Senior Girls OFSAA Bball 2010

Amber had such a great time playing with the seniors this year.  They went to OFSAA and fought three difficult games.  They showed their skill, determination and adaptation to the variety of skill and intensity of the different teams that they game up against.  It was some seriously stiff competition and they kept all their games to within 6 or 8 points, so they did very well.  Dad and Mom and I watched all the games and did our best to cheer them on.  Our voices got a little weak, so in the last game on Friday night we were happy to recruit the rest of our family as well as Andrew and the boys.  Taylor and I made some signs and we whooped it up.  It was a very exciting game.  KCC was ahead the entire game, but fell short by one point in the end.  Oh well.  I believe they did their best and had fun.  It would have been nice to win one, but it wasn't meant to be.

Well, for those of you who are not on facebook, I tried to upload a video clip, but unfortunately I couldn't get it uploaded on to the blog.  It's a funny thing, cause it was as if I was taping a replay.  Twice during the last game, both Amber and her friend had opportunities, one right after the other, to break out and take the ball to the basket with a lovely layup.  It was like a deja vu moment...

I think I've managed to upload a few clips to youtube, so you can try these links:  and  and  Enjoy!!

My apologies for the poor quality of the pictures...tough to get nice pics in a gymnasium with my camera...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Playing Catch-up

I am so behind in the blogging...have been a little busy with things....Levi's 12th birthday came and went and we had fun celebrating, but I neglected to post the other pictures...shame on me!  (Love this smile!)


Taylor and Levi have been busy with their volleyball lately.  They both had one tournament so far, and they will have another one next week.  They are enjoying this a lot, and mom and dad had fun cheering them on!

Taylor was also involved with the Spelling Bee this year, and she went with one of her friends to Beacon Christian School to be representatives for Trinity.  She didn't come home the champion, but she had fun and did her best.

The Huizinga clan got together just over a week ago to have pictures taken.  We went to Rosa-Flora in Dunnville, and it was a rather painless procedure.  It went quickly and there was very little crying involved.  Grandpa and Grandma had pics taken with the grandkids and we did shots of everyone as well as individual family shots.  It was high-time we took pictures, because last time we did the family thing, Jay and Shar did not have any children.  Now they have four!  It was a nice morning and I think we came away with some nice pictures.

Amber is still playing basketball.  The junior team had a nice season and they even made it into the playoffs this year.  However, they came out of the regular season in 8th place and had to play the 1st place team...needless to say, the playoff experience was short lived.  Amber was asked to play with the senior team towards the end of their regular season.  She was able to participate with the seniors at the Christian School tournament, and later this week she will be going to Welland for a few days with the seniors and will be competing at OFSAA.  This is quite an honour and accomplishment for the team!  We look forward to cheering them on!  "Go King's Go!"

The rain is falling outside, but inside the house is shaping up for Christmas.  This past Friday the kids had a PD day, so Taylor and I picked up a Christmas tree...(one in a box).  That's right...I don't know what came over me this year, because we've always had a real tree.  FYI: Rick was on board with this decision...and he is very happy with what we've come up with.

The girls and I also decided on a new theme for the tree, a blue, white and silver one.  I really felt it was time to get some fresh decorations...the old ones were looking rather tired.  I think it's safe to say that all it needs yet is a bit more ribbon, perhaps a matching skirt, and a few presents.  

So far we are all enjoying this tree...(especially yours truly.)  On the positive side, I don't have to worry about watering it or cleaning up all the needles, and we can enjoy having the tree up for a longer period of time.  I suppose the down side is it doesn't smell pretty like a real tree, but that's OK.  I've come to terms with that and I also have a wonderful favourite cranberry scented candles to take the place of the absent pine smell.  I think it's a win-win!

All I need to do now is get past the inevitable birthday that is coming this week, whether I like it or not, and then I can get on to getting the Christmas cards in the mail and all the fun that the December Christmas season brings!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bear One Another's Burdens

This week we are burdened with the sorrow that dear friends are going through.  Isn't it amazing how God knits us all together into a family?  How He makes us all part of His body? When one rejoices we all rejoice, and when one is hurting we all hurt.
Praying for grace and peace and strength from God above...

Monday, November 1, 2010

James 4:8a

p.s.  Thank you Annette...

Autumn Update

Levi celebrated his 12th birthday this past weekend.  Wow!  It's hard to believe he's almost a teenager.  He's really shooting up, is trying to keep up with his sisters in the height department, and has surpassed me in the shoe size department.  With all the growing, one thing remains the same...he is still my kind-hearted little man.  I pray that never changes.  I thank God for making such a joy for a son.  I am truly blessed.

We celebrated his birthday all weekend, really.  Enjoying cake and family time, the school bazaar and visitors from Orillia, and then more cake and treats, and presents of course! It was a lovely but very busy weekend.

Levi enjoyed his "birthday week."  He loved the fact that there were only 3 days of school last week.  On Thursday, I took the kids to St. Jacob's to the market for the day.  We met Ken and Dana and their gang, (minus Joshua and Caleb who were at home holding down the fort, or should I say farm.)  It's been a while since we've visited with them, so it was funny that we had to go to the farmer's market to enjoy a little chat over lunch.  They came over for a visit after they were done at the market.  It was a great surprise.

Well, today is already the first day of November, (one of my favourite months of the year.)  The time is flying by and with school and sports keeping the kids VERY busy, they'll be ready for a break come Christmas.

As far as sports go, cross-country is finished, and both Taylor and Levi had a great season.  They were also both on the school soccer teams, and both teams placed 2nd at the tournament.  Now they are into volleyball, and I believe there are two tournaments coming up, so I'll keep you posted.  Amber has been VERY busy with basketball.  Their regular season is over, so we'll see if they qualify for play-offs this year.  They did post a few victories this fall!

Yesterday was a lovely autumn day, so we went for a family walk...dragged all the kids out of the house this time.  I don't think they wanted to go at first, but I think the pictures are evidence that they had a great time once they got out there.

 Saw this original pumpkin on our walk yesterday...


Monday, October 25, 2010

Trinity Christian School Bazaar!

If you're not busy this Saturday, come on out to TCS and help support Christian education in Burlington!

Remembering Fred

I am enjoying the book, Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper.  I've just started scratching the surface, but it is a wonderful read!  With all the reminders of eternity lately, one cannot help but be given a renewed sense of the brevity of life.  There have been several deaths in the extended families of our church family in recent days.  It seems that this grey, wet, weary weather is a reflection of how I feel today.  My heart is heavy for the sorrow that so many are feeling, but I know that some of these folks who have died, lived their lives with the "hope of glory", and now that glory is a reality.  Those who have lost loved ones who died in the Lord, don't mourn as others who have no hope.  Their loved ones are seeing Christ face to face.  I remember with fondness dear Mr. Fred Hambides, who died last week at the age of 93.  I remember his warm welcoming smile and firm handshake every Sunday.  I remember his enthusiastic leading of the hymn, "Blessed Assurance" every time someone came up out of the waters of baptism.  He was a sweet man who loved God and lived it!   He lived with the assurance that Jesus was his, and now he is experiencing that "glory divine." 



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