Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall's Fleeting Colours and Christ's Transforming Power

This week I finally found a little bit of time to take a few autumn pictures.  There's something about this season that fills me with renewed energy, but also carries with it a sense of sadness. The fresh greens we have enjoyed all summer long are soon going to disappear from the landscape and be replaced with browns.  I will miss the colour when autumn is chased away by winter's frost and snow.  I really do try to enjoy every season...I suppose I'm only wishing this season would stick around a little longer.  It's such a feast for the eyes!!!

The fleeting seasons are a good reminder that things on this earth don't stay the same.  Autumn's end might be rather brown and dead looking, but the bright snow that comes in winter makes the earth look bright and fresh.  Every season has its beauty. God keeps changing the landscape from one beautiful season into the next.

Just as this earth keeps changing, we also ought to change.  We shouldn't be staying the same from one season to the next.  We should be transforming as well...constantly becoming more like Christ.  We ought to be putting off more of our sin and putting on more of Christ.  God keeps making beautiful things out of each season, and He is also about the business of making beautiful things out of us.  Don't we have an awesome God?!  I'm so thankful that He doesn't leave us alone to fend for ourselves or to find our own way.  He has equipped us with everything we need to be transformed.  His Word and His Spirit are His gifts to us.  I pray He will keep giving me the grace and a growing desire to seek Him and I pray that His Spirit's power will continue transforming me into something more beautiful for Him.

Even though I'm not sure if the colours outside are as vibrant as they were last year...I still think this season is another amazing masterpiece by the Master.  I plan to soak it all in until it's gone!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fast & Furious Fall

It has been several weeks since my last post...needless to say, we have all been just a little busy.  It is a fact of life in this house that when school starts, we all hit the ground running...some of us do more running than others, but in our own ways we are all running the race!
Taylor and Amber started basketball on the second day of school, and that generally involves games and practices 4 out of the 5 days of their school week.  Levi has already finished the school soccer season as well as the cross country one, and for the first time in his school career, David was also on the cross country team.  He had a great time competing at the first two meets.  The junior team came away with a 2nd place finish at one of the meets, so he was pleased to come home with a lovely blue ribbon.

Levi exceeded his own goals at the culminating All-Ontario Christian School meet, coming in 31st place!  There were over 30 Christian Schools represented at that meet, so it was most definitely a personal best for him!!!  We are so proud of them both for training at school and at home and for persevering and using their God-given gifts.

The girls are almost at the end of their regular season games, and then hopefully they will put on a good show in the play-offs.  Having girls on both the junior and senior teams has proven to be very exciting!  Lots of games to watch and lots of time on the bleachers.  (Can't say my back always likes that part of it.) We haven't been able to watch all their games, but when things aren't too crazy, we are there with our voices to cheer them on!  Both teams have done quite well this season...I think the junior team has only lost one regular season game so far...SO...the play-offs should be VERY exciting! I will attempt to keep you posted once that showdown starts.  (Amber is really hoping the seniors will make it to OFSAA again...only time will tell.)

Rick is busy at school with all that is involved in keeping things running smoothly and he does his best to keep everything in balance.  At the end of September I started my EA position at DCCS.  I am enjoying my time back in the classroom.  My immune system is working overtime trying to fight off all those germs that 4 and 5 year olds are so great at sharing...but other than that, it is going very well.  I love being back with the children and because I have the pleasure of being an EA, it doesn't involve all the extra prep-work that goes along with teaching.  Besides the work at school, I also teach a few piano students during the week and that is also a lot of fun.  

We have had so much rain and nasty weather this autumn that I haven't made it out to take any fall pictures...YET!  I hope to squeeze a bit of photography in there before all the leaves are gone...they are falling fast and furious these days...


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