Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Christmas Pics

We had a lovely Christmas break and I had planned to do this earlier, but life has a way of getting busy and so I forgot to do this.  Better late than are just a few pics from our visit to Wainfleet and our time at home together.
  David and Grandpa playing some pool...

Hailey and Jared

David, Owen, Ethan and Nate

 Hailey enjoying a book with Gavyn

Ethan and Nate (Erin in the background)

Rick spending some quality time with Benjamin

Oh yes, and Taylor had her braces taken off just before Christmas! ♥ What a lovely smile!!!♥

First significant snow of the season

David with a new friend

Levi...very happy with his new blanket

God's Delicate Winter Handiwork

Sometimes words don't capture...sometimes pictures can't quite capture either...but I tried...

"...wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." (Ps. 51:7b)

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: Ethiopian Muslims warn Christians to convert, leav...

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: Ethiopian Muslims warn Christians to convert, leav...: "Pray for believers in Ethiopia today. International Christian Concern has learned that Christians in the Ethiopian city of Besheno are bei..."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The "Being" One

I had a blessed Lord's Day this past weekend.  I had the privilege of playing the organ again, and do the people in Trinity ever sing!! Some Sundays their singing just blows me away.  Such power and volume and praise from those lungs.  Not only that, the words of the hymns were beautiful to meditate on.

It was another day of encouragement from God's Word and in the evening Carl spoke about the Majesty of God.  I was drawn to those thoughts earlier Sunday afternoon, when I didn't really even know he was going to speak on that theme.  He is preaching through Habakkuk in the evenings, and this week we looked at chapter 2:20.  "But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him." Our thoughts were directed to focus on the many attributes of God.  His transcendence and omnipotence, His omnipresence and omniscience.  His holiness.  The "I am".  I didn't write down who this particular term came from, but Carl read from someone who spoke about God as the "Being" one.  I like that...the "Being" one.  God always has been and always will be.  He is always the same.  He never changes.  Awesome thoughts.

We thought about how God is completely present wherever He is.  All that He is, is everywhere, where God is.  He is the high and lofty one.  We thought about Jesus being at the right hand of God, in Majesty.  How man makes plans but the Lord directs his steps and our times are in His hands. 

I have to confess that often my thoughts of God are too small.  The more I think about Him, the smaller I feel and the more I realize I don't know much about Him.  There's so much to learn.  The older I get, it seems the less I know...

It was wonderful to think about how certain words in scripture are repeated for emphasis.  Repeated so that we won't miss the point.  Like when Jesus would start something by saying, "Truly, truly I say unto you..."  You know the repeat is there for a very good reason. It should cause us to pay close attention to what comes next.  Or it is like saying it's "Cold, cold" outside.  It means it's really cold out there.

And so we contemplated that and thought about the holiness of God and the references in scripture to those who are before the throne crying out, "Holy."  Not just one holy, but "Holy...Holy...Holy."  God is thrice holy.  So pure, without blemish, absolutely light, no darkness at all.  To think that the Holy, Holy, Holy God  To think that this God in fact, lives in me with His Spirit...humbling thoughts.

Some day, we who are His children, will see Him as He is.  We will see Jesus face to face.  It causes me to quietly reflect, but it also fills my heart to want to cry out and sing to Him.  It is cause to rejoice for what He has done, and it is also cause to trust.  To trust Him...our majestic God who keeps His promises...always.

Isn't it wonderful that while we go through the ups and downs of life, we have a majestic God who is the "Being" one.  He is steadfast and doesn't change.  He has given us a Bible full of promises and He has promised to keep us to the end, to never leave us or forsake us, to never give us more than we can handle, and to be there with us when we go through this "vale of tears."  Some more tears. 

We have an awesome God!

Well, on Sunday afternoon I put some of my pictures to the music of one of Chris Tomlin's beautiful praise songs, "Majesty of Heaven."  I hope you enjoy the video and glorify God for what He has done for us.  I pray the words will touch your heart.  He's given us these things to give Him the glory.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meryton Townhall (for grandpa&grandma)

This is in honour of our New Year's dance...remember?!?
There are a few oopsies in it, but I think it's not gonna get much better than this.

(Now you can dance again at home...)

Playing by ear...

While I was doing dishes Sunday evening, I was listening to David try to play a couple songs that he had in his head.  It was so entertaining to listen to him go through the whole process of figuring it out.  After he got a part nailed down I thought it'd be fun to record it...

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Some Thoughts on the Words..."I Love You"

Those words are said a lot in this house.  We tell our kids we love them.  I speak those words to my husband several times a day and he also says them frequently to me.  I never grow tired of hearing them.  They never grow old.  They are not just words.  Love is demonstrated through acts of kindness to one another.  Love is a fruit of the Spirit, and as far as the fruits's the one on the top of that list.  Don't you think that being on the top of the list means something?

Love is the summary of the love God with all that we love Him above all and our neighbour as ourself.  We are commanded to love.  Husbands are commanded to love their wives...Titus 2 tells the older women to encourage the younger women to love their husbands and to love their children.  Our marriage and our family life is to be characterized by love.  The Bible is full of examples of love and explicit commands to love...not just the ones we find easy to love. 
We love our children just because of who they are.  We love them even when they disappoint us.  We love because God first loved us.  We love because of what Jesus has done for us. 

Well, it's the beginning of a new year.  I pray that I will grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ in the year 2011.  I pray that I'll grow in love as I should...that I'll forgive others as God forgives me...frequently and completely.  That I'll display those fruits of the Spirit more and more.  I pray that when December 2011 rolls around(DV), I will be able to look back and again see God's faithfulness in my life. That He has drawn me closer to Him and that He's made me more like Jesus.  How exciting it is to have a fresh new year to live for Him.  Who knows what God will bring our way this year...

What a lovely Christmas break we had as a family.  It was such a blessing just to be together and celebrate this wonderful gift of Jesus. 
Just prior to Christmas I celebrated 40 years of life.  How can it be that I am 40?  I still remember being a young girl and my mom turning 40. 
Isn't life amazing?  The older we get, the younger we think we really are...I'm not so old really, am I? 
All I have to do is ask my youngest.  He thinks 40 is a pretty big number...It's all perspective, I guess.

I believe that the best gifts don't have to cost a lot of money.  They don't have to be wrapped in fancy paper.  Sometimes the best gifts are the simplest.  For me, this card was one of those gifts.  It struck home and reminded me once again how God has blessed me.  Are husbands supposed to make you cry on your birthday?  (My dad says happy tears are ok...)

I am posting pics of the card I received from Rick for my birthday...probably illegal to do so...but I wanted to share it's message...and I want to be able to read it from time to time...(just in case the paper version does accidentally get misplaced...)

♥I am so blessed...


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