Monday, October 11, 2010

A Thanksgiving Prayer

(This prayer was written by our David...He read it at the TCS Thanksgiving chapel on Friday, October 8, 2010)

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the world that we live in and play in all of the time.
Thank you also for a house to live in with all we need.
Thank you for lots of education and for a school that tries its best to keep us safe and warm.
Thank you also for making me who I am God and if you didn't we would be all the same and boring.
Thank you for warm clothes that keep you warm at night time when you're cold.
Thank you also for a bed to sleep in when it's late.
Thank you for your Son who died on the cross for our sins for whoever believes in Him shall not perish.
Thank you also for friends who help you in your time of need.
Thank you also for animals.  Without cows, we wouldn't have milk.
Thank you for plants, without them we would probably die.
Thank you for shoes to wear or we would get really hurt feet from the ground.
Thank you for cars and vans and trucks to help us get around.

Thank you!

Written by David Schenk (age 8) 

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