Friday, May 27, 2011

SOSAA 2011

Today Amber competed at the South Regional track competition and came in 3rd place with a jump of 4.69m.  She has qualified to go on to OFSAA which will be held in Sudbury next weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

TCS Track & Field 2011

We were blessed with DRY WEATHER today!  I stood there at the track just amazed at the fact that it wasn't raining.  We have had so much rain lately that we were just praising the Lord for a dry day.

Taylor came in 1st in both triple jump and long jump, 2nd in the 400m, and 5th in the 100m. 
This was a tough year for Levi and David because they competed against kids who were a year older than they were.  Levi came in 4th in both the 400m and triple jump events.  David competed with vigour and had a lot of fun hanging out and playing with his friends.  He came home with a 3rd place ribbon in the shuttle relay.
Ribbons were only handed out today to those who placed in the top 4 of each event, but at the awards assembly in June, the students will receive a ribbon for their over-all placement according to the standards.

The Guelph District Field day will be held in June and I hope there will be more exciting news to share when that time comes.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Amber at GHAC

Here is a link for an article on the Golden Horseshoe Athletic Conference/Halton track-and-field championships......there`s a nice pic of Amber.....

Amber qualified to go on and compete in the long jump at the South Regional competition next week.  I will keep you posted!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Fun Before the Storm

We managed to fit in a little fun before the downpour tonight.
The boys hit the court......and I played with the Canon.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday the 13th

(This blog post has absolutely nothing to do with Friday the 13th, except for the fact that it is Friday, the 13th of May.)

Just posting a few pics that I took this morning.  I took the day off today......I am home icing my shoulder and taking Advil.  I'm experiencing, once again, the reality that my body is no longer that of a teenager's.  The greenhouse work is catching up to me and my aching shoulder kept me up for the better part of the late night/wee early morning hours.  Hopefully taking a break will be just what this youngish body needs......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Early May Beauties

It has been a cold, wet Spring, but things seem to be changing this week in the weather department.  The sun has been shining and the rains have stayed away.  This is a good thing for those of us who are working in the greenhouse.  Hopefully this week the orders will start pouring in and the flowers will be shipped out!

Tuesdays are my LBS and piano lesson day, so I wasn't at the greenhouse today.  I had some time to catch up on a little laundry, (even hung some outside.....mostly 'cause my dryer is just about dead), and I even spent some time cleaning up the garden.

Tulips are finally showing off their stuff, the buds on the lilac are growing, and the burning bush is greening up.  The hostas are peeking and stretching and some of the early blooming perennials are in their glory stage.

So, here are a few pics of the beauties in my now weed-free garden, as well as a couple of my feathered friends, and one interesting shot of Levi showing off his talents on the sax.  Yes, that is him with the wig, and hat, playing a couple songs during the talent portion of our Kid's Club Parent Night. (His interesting get-up was for the skit that followed.)  He did a great job on his little solo pieces, and I think he loved the sound of the saxophone in the church.  Nothing like playing an instrument in there.......the acoustics are much nicer in church than in our basement!



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